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Collaboration Diet diet phentermine pill will improve Diet fahrenheit model pill the safe integration of all therapies during your experience with Zen macrobiotic diet Macrobiotic diet plan cancer. Starting a macrobiotic diet The "Summary" and "Professional Evaluation / Critique" sections of this Unconventional Macrobiotic diet cancer manual are cited Fahrenheit diet pill woman directly from the medical literature, and are Madonnas macrobiotic diet intended to help in the Zen macrobiotic diet objective evaluation of alternative/complementary therapies.Summary"After studying the literature and other Zen macrobiotic diet available information, the American Cancer Society has found no evidence that Zen macrobiotic diet macrobiotic diet is useful as a cure for cancer in humans. Lacking Zen macrobiotic diet such evidence, Zen macrobiotic diet the American Zen macrobiotic diet Cancer Society strongly urges individuals with Zen macrobiotic diet cancer not to use a dietary program as an exclusive or primary means of treatment." (CA 1993)Description / Source / Components"The macrobiotic diet is a mainly vegetarian diet consisting of 50% whole cereal grains, 20 to 30% locally grown vegetables, small amounts of soups, Zen macrobiotic diet beans and sea vegetables, white meat, fish and fruit in limited amounts. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, Zen macrobiotic diet tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, asparagus, spinach, beets, zucchini, avocados, mayonnaise, tea, coffee, Zen macrobiotic diet and red meat are to be avoided." (Ontario)"The Zen macrobiotics is a ten-level diet Zen macrobiotic diet whose "highest" level consisted of brown rice and Zen macrobiotic diet small amounts of fluids." (Barrett)The most restrictive Zen macrobiotic diet diet number 7 is recommended as the Zen macrobiotic diet ideal Zen macrobiotic diet diet and consists entirely of cereals. For all diets, liquids must be taken sparingly. (CA 1984)"Macrobiotic followers are Zen macrobiotic diet encouraged to Zen macrobiotic diet get fresh air, exercise, wear cotton clothing, Zen macrobiotic diet avoid television, and meditate." (Carter)The macrobiotic diet is now being taught at the Kushi Institute. (Fink 1997)History"The macrobiotic diet Zen macrobiotic diet was Zen macrobiotic diet developed Zen macrobiotic diet by George Ohsawa, Zen macrobiotic diet a Japanese philosopher who sought to integrate traditional Asian medicine and belief with Christian teachings and some aspects of Western medicine. Staring in the 1930's, he taught a philosophy of healing through proper diet and natural medicine. He moved to Boston in 1960, where an early disciple, Zen macrobiotic diet Michio Kushi, came to spearhead the Zen macrobiotic diet macrobiotic way of life." (Cassileth)"Although a relatively recent creation, the macrobiotic diet is based in large part on the yin-yang principle of Zen macrobiotic diet balance, a fundamental component of Zen macrobiotic diet ancient Chinese medicine. Yin and Zen macrobiotic diet Yang are opposite forces believed to describe all components of Zen macrobiotic diet life Zen macrobiotic diet and the universe. Here the world view of balance is embodied Zen macrobiotic diet in diet, including the selection, preparation, and consumption of foods." (Cassileth)"For treating and preventing cancers, diets are to be varied according to the "