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Another very important reason to learn and understand yin and
yang is to change our way of thinking. And we need Starting a macrobiotic diet to change our
way of thinking if Starting a macrobiotic diet we wish to heal ourselves. Starting a macrobiotic diet The Starting a macrobiotic diet present dominant
mode of thinking in the world can be characterized as scientific
materialistic reductionist thinking, which has developed over
the past four hundred years. This manner of thinking has arisen
from the study of the material world, its basis for knowledge
being the world of Starting a macrobiotic diet minerals and chemicals. Starting a macrobiotic diet From Starting a macrobiotic diet exhaustive studies,
experimentation and observations of the phenomena of the Starting a macrobiotic diet mineral
kingdom have been derived the laws of physics and chemistry. These
chemical and physical laws Starting a macrobiotic diet have then been applied in the manipulation
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and physical laws are understood Starting a macrobiotic diet to be pertinent only to chemicals
and Starting a macrobiotic diet minerals.
However, Starting a macrobiotic diet this Starting a macrobiotic diet mode of thinking characterized as materialistic
scientific reductionist permeates every branch of knowledge and
learning, Starting a macrobiotic diet and Starting a macrobiotic diet most human endeavors today. We need to wake up to
the fact that we Starting a macrobiotic diet are totally deluded if Starting a macrobiotic diet we think the plant, the
animal or the human being is merely a more elaborate and Starting a macrobiotic diet complex
arrangement of physics and Starting a macrobiotic diet chemistry than is Starting a macrobiotic diet the rock or stone.
In other words, it is not logically possible to derive true understanding
and knowledge of living organisms by means of the laws of physics
and chemistry.
The world is suffering grievously under the burden of Starting a macrobiotic diet this delusion.
It is not an exaggeration to say all Starting a macrobiotic diet the problems the Starting a macrobiotic diet world is
now experiencing and has been for several decades, be they Starting a macrobiotic diet ecological,
environmental, Starting a macrobiotic diet economic, legal, social, political, medical, educational
or religious, are the result of this dominant mode of thinking
I characterize as scientific materialist reductionist. It seems
fairly obvious to Starting a macrobiotic diet draw the conclusion that this mode of Starting a macrobiotic diet thinking
will not help us in solving these problems, Starting a macrobiotic diet because Starting a macrobiotic diet it is largely
the cause of all the problems going on in the world today; using
the same manner of thinking to Starting a macrobiotic diet solve problems Starting a macrobiotic diet caused by it will
in fact make these problems more intractable than they have already
We therefore need to develop a new way Starting a macrobiotic diet of thinking Starting a macrobiotic diet which has its
epistemology based on the logically undeniable fact that the worlds
of plants, animals and human beings, and, in the final analysis,
even the world Starting a macrobiotic diet of minerals, are the expression, the manifestations
and symptoms of spiritual Starting a macrobiotic diet laws and activities operating in the
world of spirit which creates, Starting a macrobiotic diet imbues and permeates the Starting a macrobiotic diet physical
world. The picture Rudolf Steiner gives of the evolution of human
consciousness is the Starting a macrobiotic diet development of the intellectual capacities
of the human soul such that we could objectively investigate the
material Starting a macrobiotic diet world and develop the capacity to think independently,
out of our own resources of the soul, beginning around 1413 A.D.,
was a necessary step in the evolution of human consciousness.
However, any human being taking the materialisti